TMBG Album Covers:
John Henry

TMBG Album Cover
The inside of this album cover contains lyrics. Very well organized with no underlying pictures, just white paper with black text. On the reverse side of the lyrics are three photo's. Below those three. The two color photo's involve TMBG somehow, but then they have a random screaming boy. I don't quite understand it, but maybe he's singing along with one of the great 20 tracks found on this album. And no, the children don't hate They Might Be Giants, they were just paid to hold the sign. To the right is the CD itself.
To the right is the photo that is found UNDER the actual CD. You know, those CD cases's that are clear so when you take the CD out it has a picture underneath ? Same thing here. The skull on the young girl's lap is the same one on the Back to Skull CD cover and on the TMBG Skull Mousepad. For those of you who hadn't figured that out ( god help you ) now you know.
To the right is a photo of some very non-expressive children, one of which is bearing a skull. Not exactly the stereotypical after-school fun and games, but hey, They Might Be Giants isnt exactly your average stereotypical rockin' quasar group. I'm not definite, but I'm pretty sure the girl holding the skull right there is the same one on the cover of the Back To Skull single. Someone write me and let me know if I'm right or not.

If anyone wants larger versions of alot of these pictures, I can probably hook you up. It was just a matter of shrinking them down to look pretty decent and fit within the frames of this page. So just write me and let me know which one you'd like in a larger version.

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